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All the World’s a Stage … and the Star!

Sync is an epic multi-continental, music-driven, 3 Act show wedded within a 24 hour Party for the Planet - broadcast live from natural and manmade event sites worldwide.

Sync’s ambitious goal is to coalesce our fractured global dance steps so we step less on each other's toes … to restore environMental health so we dance with more soul … and to inspire a shift in perception about the world around us, within us — and worlds beyond us — through the healing power of a music-driven edutainment spectacular honouring unity, diversity, species and the cosmos.

With its captivating Cirque du Soleil influence, dazzling interstellar backdrop, ...

... and a confluence of interactivity, immersive media and otherworldly elements, Synchronistory® brings us an edutainment spectacular of epic scope and depth. Earth & Space co-star in an out-of-this-world event phenomenon; a music-driven Party for the Planet celebrating every sentient being, broadcast live from multiple event sites worldwide. Sync’s 3 Act Show sets the stage for unprecedented uplift, showcasing the face of our Global Selfie from its “good” side in real time from manmade venues, stunning natural wonders, and Space. For the very first time (and with environmental sensitivity) Planet Earth is both stage & star with a worldwide audience who doesn't just come to an event – they become it, to better love it.

The healing is just beginning. This is Planet We.

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