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Every great party starts with great party planners, offers great party favours, and depends on a great guest list.

When you move the “h” in Earth it spells Heart. And we need more. When you move the hearts of many you move mountains. And we can!

Greatest threat to Humankind is a lack of Humankind(ness). Also our greatest immune boost. Let's spread That virally.

These interstellar party planners are conscientious movers & shakers with the vision to inspire liftoff with uplift. But they can't do it alone …

Like any good host(ess) knows, a great fete is only as good as its guest list – and this world’s a mess. The Global Body is ill. From pandemic to war to environMental breakdown and more, key arteries to its heart are blocked. Particularly The Body Politic.

Like the human body, the global body’s individual parts must collaborate to sustain it. A limb can’t be a lung anymore than an America can be an Asia. Nor should they be. Each are vital in their individual roles to maintain the health of the whole. This is our collective lesson in humility within a unity built upon diversity.

Competition & Cooperation can no longer afford to outperform one another. They can, however, co-star together. Addressing an ailing world of multiple species and nations with sensitivity and innovation: this is our daunting yet dazzling new destiNation. And it requires all our imagiNations!

From supporters and celebrity endorsers to event(ual) sponsors and strategic partners, Synchronistory® is endowed with hefty party planners from multiple global sectors to prime this planet for party time. We are so grateful.


Party Planners
invitation for celebration starts here

Party Supporters
inspiration for celebration continues here

Synchronistory® gratefully acknowledges these vibrant individuals and organisations for whom the term “Party Planner” implies vision and conscientious heft.

2022 Initiative Logo
Aitia Institute Logo
Agape International Spiritual Center Logo
Choral Tales Logo
Club of Budapest Logo
Consciousness and Healing Initiative Logo
CMBC Enterprise Chris Boardman Logo
Ethical Markets Logo
Earthlight Foundation Logo - Rick Tumlinson
Future Human Logo
Global Consciousness Project Logo
Goi Peace Logo
Green2Gold Logo
Heart Math Logo
Human Space Program Logo
Logo Institute for Global Transformation
International Child Art Foundation Logo
Inner Space Training Logo
Ignited Thinkers Logo
Jingedosty Logo
Logo Janet´s Planet
Lone Arrow Press Logo
Lindbergh Foundation Logo
My Green Pod Logo
Mobilium Logo
Mila Popovich Logo
Master Sha Tao Calligraphy Healing Field Logo
Marsworld Logo
Logo The Millenium Project - Jerome Glenn Logo
The Naked Voice Logo
Olivier Mythodrama Logo
Office Masaru Emoto Logo
Dr. Paola Fiore Logo
Purenessity Logo
Politics of Being Logo
Ricky Kej Logo
Sacred Acoustics Logo
Self Discovery Media Logo
Dr. Stephan A. Schwartz Logo
The Source of Synergy Foundation Logo
Simpol Logo
Suzanne Hubbard Logo
Spirit Musique Logo
CEO Star Harbor Space Academy Logo
Soulular Logo
Still Listening Logo
MB Plus Logo
Vortex Immersion Media Logo
Waterside Productions Logo
Whole New World Logo
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